Friday, August 1, 2008


Today was a tough day. Till evening there had been zilch to do. However something like four in the evening my aunt visited with her two daughters. In fact aunt and mom premeditated a shopping journey. Generally they don’t get time to go out in the night cause of this Hindi drama’s coming from star plus. I marvel what’s so extraordinary in them that more than ninety percent Maldivian goes fanatical for it. It’s same in my family too. All will be seated under TV just about half past seven in the evening.
At first aunt thought to take my cousins along with them but later on she intended me to go with them back to their residence. Guess what? That era I haven’t eaten my lunch yet. I was so much betrothed in face book that I more or less disregarded it. As soon as I stimulated away from my little computer buddy I came to suffer the starvation. So I ran to take a snap before I leave.
Within an hour I was ready and we headed to our destination on the way we had lots of fun. Half way I felt like if my bracelet was missing. That often happens; I can’t remember how many I have lost. That was my favorite which I got gifted by my mom two months back. Again we walked back to find if we could find any sign of it. My cousin’s tartan the roads but there was no sign of it. After a short time we reached the point from where we started our way, my home place. Unenthusiastically we went in and sat on the bed with no hope. With a swift look I figured out my wristlet resting on the corner of the bed.
Poor us! We had to do repeat the same thing again. Walk back to my aunt’s place. Without waiting for any further we headed to go back. Few minutes later we reached our target. Three of us were so tired and dehydrated, that we all made our way towards water as quickly as we got into the house. Following that until aunt and mom comeback we had party. : P

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