Saturday, November 27, 2010


ހިތްމިއެދޭ ސޫރައޭތީމަގޭ
ހިތްމިއެދޭ ލޯބިވާތީމަގޭ
ހިތްމިއެދޭ ޔާރަކީ ތީމަގޭ
ރުހިއަދު އުފަލުންނެ ޔާރާބޭނުމީ
ހިތްމިއެދޭ ސޫރައޭތީމަގޭ
ހިތްމިއެދޭ ލޯބިވާތީމަގޭ
ރުހިއަދުއުފަލުންނެ ޔާރާބޭނުމީ
ރޭދުވާ ހޯދެޔޭ ހާއްސަވެއްޖޭކަލާ
އަންގައޭފާޅުގާ ހާއްސަކަންހިތްކަލާ
ޖާދުވީ ބާރެކޭ ޔާރުލޮލުގައިވަނީ
މާނަފުން ބެލުމަކުން ހިތްދިވާނާވަނީ
ގާތުގާވުން ކަލާ އުމުރަށޭ ބޭނުމީ
ގާތުގާވުން ކަލާ އަބަދުވެސް ބޭނުމީ
ހިތްމިކިޔާ ރާގަކީތީމަގޭ
ހިތްމިއެދޭ ލޯބިވާތީމަގޭ
ދޭނަމޭހާ އުފާ މީކުރާވަޢުދެކޭ
ވާނަމޭތިގޮތުގާ މީވެވޭ ވަޢުދެކޭ
ރޭހަނދާތަރިތަރިތަކާ ގައިމުހެކިވާނެޔޭ
ނެތްމެޔޭ ފޮރުވުމެއް ގައިމެ ފެންނާނެޔޭ
ބީހިލަންގަސްތުކޮށް ހިތްމަގޭ ބޭނުމީ
ގާތްވެލަން މަސްތުގާ ހިތްމިރޭބޭނުމީ
ހިތްމިއެދޭޔާރަކީ ތީމަގޭ
ހިތްމިއެދޭ ސޫރައޭތީމަގޭ
ހިތްމިއެދޭ ލޯބިވާތީމަގޭ
ރުހިއަދުއުފަލުންނެ ޔާރާބޭނުމީ
ހިތްމިއެދޭ ސޫރައޭތީމަގޭ
ހިތްމިއެދޭ ލޯބިވާތީމަގޭ

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I was in grief

Peace seemed like to be vanished away for prolong era

However, my eyes and lips smiled

Nevertheless my heart sobbed

Inside and inside, I was being shattered

I rushed from one door to another

Hunting for a cover

But the shade showed up

All the way piloted to those murky hurricane

As a final point, I communal it with my relatives

This fabricated up a sturdy consciousness

To accumulate my optimism

Subsequent to these advices

I attempted to remodel myself

Still, at certain accidents, I stab down to soil

My hazy revelation can’t discover any one forthcoming

Far, far away distance

To assist me and support my deteriorated legs

Hence, some time ago my eyes wedged up a figure

Who got me off, and abetted me

Then on, for all time I found him by my side

To grip me, before I crumple down.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Away from you......

Been few miles away from you

Hurt me so much

My heart throbs heavily

My jaws quaver hastily

And my legs are weak

These rough and mysterious sensations

Rules all the way through my veins

I am in need of medication

But the pill for this ailment

Resides few mile away from me


Dedicated to my sweetheart

I Love You